Sunday 1 April 2007

World-Wide Cash

I joined World-Wide Cash not long ago but I found that it is a great PTC site as it really pays. I have received 3 times payouts upon my requests. Although the amount may be too little for some people, I think it's worth keeping as it is a quite famous one among all earning sites (which means it has good reputation).

Why should you join? I would say, I was surprise by it. Many sites allow their members to earn both cash and points, right? Most of the points normally are used for buying ads. I thought this one was the same at the beginning so I seldom click the points because my aim is to earn cash. However, after one month, I found that the points that I earned have converted into cash as well. This is brilliant, don't you think? Having my points converted into cash, means I earn more =) Another merit point, it is a no minimum payout site, you can request payout whenever you like.

In addition, World-Wide Cash has more than 12,000 members which means if you promote your sites over there, unless your sites are below quality, you could possibly get a desirable feedback.

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